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中央研究院歐美所「Farm for Change 氣候變遷:人文社會跨領域觀念實驗室」線上演講通知( 2024.2.27) _The Four Day Week: Economic, Wellbeing and Climate Impacts

中央研究院歐美研究所「Farm for Change 氣候變遷:人文社會跨領域觀念實驗室」將邀請Professor Juliet B. Schor (Sociology, Boston College),於民國113227日(星期二)視訊演講。海報如附加檔案,詳細演講資訊如下,歡迎踴躍報名參加。


  1. 演講題目 Title: The Four Day Week: Economic, Wellbeing and Climate Impacts
  2. 講者Speaker: Dr. Juliet B. Schor

   Sociology, Boston College   

  1. 時間Time: 2024227 () 09:00~11:00
  2. 地點: Webex
  3. 主辦單位:本院歐美研究所「Farm for Change 氣候變遷:人文社會跨領域觀念實驗室」
  4. 主持人:盧倩儀(本院歐美研究所研究員)
  5. 報名連結
  6. 活動網址
  7. 演講摘要


In 1938, the US Congress enshrined a five day workweek, and that schedule spread to other wealthy countries. In the ensuing eighty-five years, there has been no serious effort to reduce the number of days worked each week. However, the pandemic sparked a movement for a four day week, in the US and globally. The pandemic raised stress and burnout levels for workers around the world, leading some employers to offer shorter hours as a way to address worker ill-being and the successes of remote work led to more openness to change. The emergence of AI is another catalyzing factor. There are now multiple governments around the world that are piloting or seriously considering four day week experiments. Since early 2022 I have been the lead researcher on trials of companies who are giving their workers one day off with no loss in pay. Our research shows large improvements in employee well-being, as well as very positive results for companies in terms of performance, retention and hiring. In this talk I will discuss the movement to reduce hours and our findings, and offer reflections on the future of this phenomenon.





  1. 聯絡人:林碧美,(


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助理  林碧美 敬上





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